Additional Information
In front of Union Primary School, Jalan Burma, George Town, Penang
Opening Hours
09:30 - 21:30
Mon - Sat
09:30 - 21:30
Payment Methods
Other Info
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
Banana Apom
Review (5)
Level2 2023-10-20
香蕉粟米阿榜糕Apom Guan今次有地膽朋友帶路, 我試左好多好地道嘅野食😋🍌香蕉粟米阿榜糕Apom Guan (RM5 ~hkd10 @5pcs)呢個係一個好地道嘅街邊小食🥠有好多間賣差唔多嘅車仔檔, 聽朋友講呢間係最早同最好食嘅🤤 佢係一個手掌大小麵糊中間再夾啲香蕉🍌同粟米🌽 食落好清爽, 好似一個細pancake, 配料冇乜負擔, 好適合掃街嘅時候食🥠只係因為得兩個人, 如果咁啱遇着好多人排隊嘅時候, 可能要等一陣, 同埋賣晒佢就會閂門喇, 可能要碰運氣先見到😂📍 Apom Guan 🥠219, Jalan Burma, 10050 George Town, Pulau Pinang, 馬來西亞⏰09:00-17:00, Sun off continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-12-13
Apong Guan is a hawker stall selling a wide range of apom balik or in other words, pancakes. This stall is one of the most famous pancake stall in Penang to be said.Apong Guan/Pancake (Banana Flavour)This dish is the apong guan or pancake of the banana flavour. The pancake is pan fried in a thin layer only which causing them to be very crispy after cooked. Pieces of bananas is added into the apong guan together with the dough. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-12-11
Apong Guan @ Jalan Burma, Georgetown is a hawker stall that specialised in selling apong guan (also known as apam balik). Apong guan (apam balik)Penang apong guan is one of my favourite hawker stall food. The apong guan is made from light batter which gives it nice crispy outside and soft inside. The filling of the apong guan is peanut and sweet corn. Some stall uses ripe banana as the filling. It is best eaten while hot. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-08-13
Apong Guan 就在协和小学大门口旁的一个流动小摊档。不管介绍给哪个到penang 游玩的朋友, 大家都会竖起大拇指猛说好。当然经过了那么多年, Apong的价钱也随着增长了, 但熟悉的味道从来不变。但是我喜欢这个平以近人的老板, 他没有因为自己生意好而变得骄傲, 反而很喜欢和我们或其他顾客聊天。Apong 以玉米粒和花生碎为主。有厚皮、脆皮的。我喜欢厚皮的,因为吃起来爽口,口感饱满的很呢! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-06-24
Apong Guan @ RM0.40Apong Guan stall is located along Jalan Burma, roughly opposite a primary school. The seller is very friendly and will entertain us while we standing aside waiting for our apong. He will ask you to come later if his has alot of order in queue. Each apong just cost 40 cents very worth waiting for the delicious dessert. There are slices of banana and some sweet corn in it. Each bite is so flavourful and aroma of the little roasted taste. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)